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Win a signed copy of Frequently Happy by David Larbi and a 6-month house plant subscription

10 runners-up will receive a signed copy.

Win a signed copy of Frequently Happy by David Larbi and a 6-month plant subscription

I always pay attention
When a small joy grabs me
Some say easily pleased
I say, frequently happy!

Life can often be stressful. Each day might seem like a struggle to get through. You may find yourself desperate to get to the weekend, or wishing time would pass more quickly.

David Larbi is here to show you how to see beauty in the everyday and build pockets of joy, inspiration and calm into your life. Combining poetry with weekly reflections, Frequently Happy: 52 Mindful Moments to Bring Hope and Joy is designed to help you explore your emotions, seize opportunities to grow, and find happiness all year round.

With journalling and activity prompts for every season, Frequently Happy creates space for deep self-reflection and brings gratitude to the forefront. To celebrate its publication, we're giving you the chance to win a 6-month house plant subscription from Beards & Daisies, and a signed copy of the book. 10 runners-up will each receive a signed copy.

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