Draw your real world vs. alternative world and WIN!
In Cressida Cowell's Which Way to Anywhere, one of the heroes has a magical gift: he can draw the crossing points (or 'Which Ways') between our world and other worlds. We challenged you to create your own Which Way in two drawings to win some fantastic goodies in an out-of-this-world competition.
"What beautiful, glorious entries there are to this competition, and I send so much love and congratulations to everyone who entered, it was incredibly hard to judge." Cressida Cowell
Anya, age 10
"What a beautiful drawing and also the beginning of a story! I loved how the illustration in the real world was set in a library, that made me think about how books are windows into other worlds. And I was so interested in how the story was going to develop, the book in the library that didn't fit in called Dark and Evil, the world that it led to with the rainbow snakes, the chupacabra, it all sounds so imaginative and fascinating. If there was a book about this, I would want to read on!" Cressida Cowell
Sanna, age 9
"I thought this was a stunning illustration of the maps and the Which Ways with so much detail and storytelling in the drawings. I longed to know the story of the killer bunnies on Planet Sanurtain, and this made me want to leap into the storyteller's world!" Cressida Cowell
Keira, age 13
"This was an incredibly skilful illustration, especially of the howling wolf, so beautifully drawn that you felt you could reach out and touch it. I loved the detail of the hooded figures sword-fighting, and how the X of their crossed swords, gave an impression that it might be a Which Way. " Cressida Cowell
Joseph, age 10
"A beautiful, detailed drawing, with so much expression in the mark-making. I loved how the pencil was used in a soft and gentle way in the real world, complementing the picture saying 'Bee Happy', and how it became really excitable and wild in the Alternative World when the illustrations were of poisons and a witch, and all the scary stuff, I thought that was so clever." Cressica Cowell
The winner received:
- A signed copy of Which Way to Anywhere
- Personalised feedback on their drawing from Cressida Cowell
- A deluxe 120-piece art set
- A signed print featuring a character from the book
3 runners-up received personalised feedback from Cressida Cowell and a signed copy of Which Way to Anywhere.

About Which Way to Anywhere by Cressida Cowell
K2 O'Hero is a seemingly ordinary boy - after all, he and his twin sister Izzabird have been sworn to keep their family's magical history a secret. Not even their infuriating stepsiblings, Theo and Mabel, know that magic exists. They believe K2 to be the most hopeless person they have ever known.
But K2 has a secret gift: he draws maps of worlds that are beyond the wildest of imaginations. Worlds with six hundred moons, burning rivers and dark, twisty jungles alive with plants that hunt by the smell of fear. But what K2 doesn't know, is that the maps he draws are real.
When their baby sister Annipeck is kidnapped, the warring stepsiblings will have to use K2's gift to find a crossing point into one of those worlds and embark on a daring rescue mission. With a terrible beast and a petrifying robot assassin in their way, they must learn to work together quickly - because the future of their family is at stake ...