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Sevenoaks Bookshop Ltd

147 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XJ

Opening hours

9.30- 5.30, Monday to Saturday, 10.30-4.30 Sunday, Closed Bank Holidays


Walk & Talk with Annabel Streets

Enjoy an hour’s walk around Sevenoaks and Knole with author Annabel Streets, discussing her new book The Walking Cure ????? In this inspirational book Annabel Streets explains the curative and therapeutic benefits of 20 easy-­to-­find landscapes, both rural and urban: from mountains to meadows, disused railway lines to rivers and coastal cliffs to city parks. Different landscapes have proven abilities to change how we see, feel and experience ourselves and the world.

Start date


Offer terms:

Book & Free Ticket - £14.99



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