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Sevenoaks Bookshop Ltd

147 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XJ

Opening hours

9.30- 5.30, Monday to Saturday, 10.30-4.30 Sunday, Closed Bank Holidays


This Motherless Land with Nikki May

From the prize-winning author of WAHALA, a powerful de-colonial retelling of MANSFIELD PARK, exploring identity, culture, race and love. ‘A spirited exploration of culture and kinship’ BONNIE GARMUS Witty, warm, hugely entertaining, This Motherless Land bridges three decades and two continents, delving into the thorny territories of race and culture and belonging. At its heart is a story about love and how it can make the difference between surviving and thriving.

Start date


Offer terms:

Wednesday 2 April, 7pm Sevenoaks Bookshop Tickets from £12



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