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Sevenoaks Bookshop Ltd

147 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XJ

Opening hours

9.30- 5.30, Monday to Saturday, 10.30-4.30 Sunday, Closed Bank Holidays


The Honesty Box with Lucy Brazier

Join Lucy Brazier at the bookshop on 12 March, 12.30pm to chat about her new book, The Honesty Box: the diary of a broken marriage, a mental health crisis and a large marrow. 'This is about what it is like to live with someone as they try to accept their neurodiversity. It is a funny, heart-wrenching, uplifting quest for truth, transformation and marrows. I guess you could call it a love story too.'

Start date


Offer terms:

Ticket only - £10 Book & Free Ticket - £16.99 Tickets include a cup of tea or coffee.



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