Opening hours
9.30- 5.30, Monday to Saturday, 10.30-4.30 Sunday, Closed Bank Holidays

Historical Fiction Evening with Jo Harkin & Linda Porter
Join author Jo Harkin & historian Linda Porter as they discuss Jo's new historical novel The Pretender, a tale of royal intrigue set in the tumultuous period of the Tudors' ascent. Seething with revenge and machination, sparkling with wit and humanity, and roaring with adventure and bravado, The Pretender is the captivating true story of a young man tossed into the chaos of history as it happens.
Start date
Offer terms:
Wednesday 14 May, 7pm at Sevenoaks Bookshop Tickets: from £12 https://sevenoaksbookshop.co.uk/historical-fiction-evening-with-jo-harkin-linda-porter/