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Sevenoaks Bookshop Ltd

147 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XJ

Opening hours

9.30- 5.30, Monday to Saturday, 10.30-4.30 Sunday, Closed Bank Holidays


A Ukrainian Family Story with Olia Hercules: Strong Roots

Strong Roots is the story of a century in Ukraine told through four generations of one extraordinary family. It takes us from years of Russification, to Olia’s grandmother’s deportation to snowy wastelands under Stalin, to her Aunt Zhenia’s school protest, to her own parents’ flight from Ukraine. Strong Roots brims with hope and grief. It is an uplifting reminder of how much the human spirit can endure when born from a land rich with strong roots.

Start date


Offer terms:

Thursday 26 June, 7pm at Sevenoaks Bookshop Tickets: from £12



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