P & G Wells Ltd
11 College Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LZ
Accepts Gift Cards
Accepts Paper Vouchers
E-Gift Vouchers not accepted
Web: www.pgwells.co.uk
Bookshop Description
Arguably the longest-surviving bookshop in the country, we have been here on College Street in Winchester since 1729. You will find an exciting and ever-changing mix of new books for adults and children, together with a range of stationery including beautiful gift cards and book-related gifts. We have a whole floor devoted to children for you to enjoy browsing. We also specialise in school book fairs and author events.
#Independentbookshop at 11 College Street, Winchester since 1729.
Also on campus @uniwinchester & online at https://uk.bookshop.org/shop/pgwells
Opening hours
Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-4pm
We stock a range of Greeting Cards, Stationery, and many other items.