How good are you at tree spotting? Take our quiz!
Once autumn hits, we love getting wrapped up in our cosiest jumpers and going on long forest walks. Ros and Nell Bennett, writer and illustrator of Tree-spotting: A Simple Guide to Britain's Trees, have joined us to test your knowledge of everything from leaves and fungi to nutlets and twigs.

"While Mum (Ros) taught enthusiastic naturalists in her open-air classrooms, I would endlessly draw and paint flowers, seeds and butterflies. We hope that our insatiable passion for nature, mixed with Mum's boundless knowledge of trees, and my endless desire to draw, will make Tree-spotting a glorious way for you to learn and identify trees. Test your current knowledge with this quiz, then pick up Tree-spotting to start identifying 52 native trees of Britain. I hope that your walks will be filled with a new level of wonder and adoration for these bodacious British trees." Nell Bennett
Picture, left: Nell (your illustrator) and Ros (your narrator) in the Apennines, Italy, in the summer of 1990 while Ros was leading a botany course.