Are you word perfect?
Lexicographer extraordinaire and queen of Countdown's Dictionary Corner, Susie Dent, is the author of Word Perfect: Etymological Entertainment For Every Day of the Year. From why 'May Day' became a distress call to 'snaccident' (unintentionally eating a whole packet of biscuits), Word Perfect is a year of wonder through the English language. Susie's joined us to test your knowledge of the English language – how word perfect are you? Take the quiz to find out!

"Word Perfect offers a word, phrase, or etymology for every day of the year. Many are attached to specific events – the first reading of the Riot Act, for example, or the theatrical brouhaha from the eighteenth century where one production company stole a sound-effect machine from another, giving us the phrase 'stealing someone’s thunder'. Others simply chime with the time of year: what better word for dark wintry mornings than 'hurkle-durkling', old Scots dialect for lounging around long after it's time to get moving? I'd love to see whether you can match some of my favourite words to their perfect meaning." Susie Dent